Set against the backdrop of the wartime Slovak State, The Hungarian Dressmaker tells the story of Marika, a Hungarian widow and dressmaker, navigating the perils of rising nationalism and anti-minority sentiment. After losing her job at an Aryanized dressmaker’s shop, Marika retreats to her small holding, hoping to live inconspicuously. Her fragile peace is disrupted when she chooses to protect Šimon, a young Czech Jewish boy, risking her own safety.
Caught in a perilous triangle with Dušan, a fascist Hlinka Guard captain drawn to her, and a menacing German Nazi officer, Marika is forced to make agonizing choices shaped by romantic love, maternal longing, and existential fear. Adapted from Petr Krištúfek’s novella, this evocative film vividly captures the turbulent atmosphere of the Slovak State, where ideology and identity collide with devastating consequences. Through exceptional performances and striking visual storytelling, The Hungarian Dressmaker delivers a powerful portrait of resilience, humanity, and the complexities of moral courage in a world overshadowed by hate.
Premiered at the Crystal Globe Competition at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2024.
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